The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

'nI'II ITY TJ1RE GIVER IEEE OPrNs E)N 111'E1 TENIIMII OF JFFICEI4 OF 'I'IIF (I'TY COUNCIL. folfowlig ne r1nlll ll'i wIa-F riinol'v" 'l ITy thel Mi.yor "'atorda'ly morlllinlg, AH tho soJlnsontl. whiI a vry i.l(' alt'l'd l11)1 i IIn ItIn 'llxl'l5v5ig lullilf)ie tfloll w(e t.all fti olll tI il "Sa 1 thi ti, llihhs in 'L or(ro opy(fy MlI r. Now Novlllllhsr I Illr.t To Ith fiorlihlo ilyor andl Adminisftratorn: ill in Ianswlr to your LqltllI (el fo" uilly 'opinioii na( to the timno at. whlili li0 cify fllho'i'a-sl'et, ((i1(y 011imi iaiu tafie th'ir il1 th lin nalollaohdln( wft.h law, if.l.

I i. 1 i of ohl)5)lii hat 'thorn i nI rneal (1o.fi7loh,, iowi' tfio frovisllu4 of 5c11) No.7 sf 11)70 (theu 1' h'hnliito i di th' llnow otioni law (nI lt Nof. iof 1i Ir', l'lHIsltn olf 1877). 'The firn prl' ililio rhl quslilfllntions Oif ith 1 aiiii Ad siniuht.iutl(r is, aind thf latter' rog.1ilatA,.is li, il( lln 'r of ho ling ole0thnst, asi dellortfl si i s' I fls' lt t1 ('1hiII I' l'(Ih rIof. ll 'l't O1n thie fir'l)lislI IsMONI)AY f( lPhiWIN(1 'I'111I, DAY of tir, llss''saointnoiisnt' or )hfle(tiILIn, tillh (lConsIllss 1h1fll Mlllir it rt ilis Ii fin thss( City 11all, at, wh'h tihe A.fI'<r nVi' Ad1nill ia tllr)lahl of plrtl nn.ll h(l i Iitr ofited lid filed Ltiut 'e cerille't'i ol r' tl i qi ifohstt.1(nsh asIt hrrlll' ii pr vidi 'd, h11 Ill enters'i' 11ii) th ditsi l.

of tishlI etc0. The word 'lfctlons iin the aivovo mau monn'ing whic hs 1ia silways beon oh11r'ved. Tiom loili rl'5l worn this ti4h hl) on the llffth aihyo or lliir, 17Tift, and th, il day hl ir (withii inosiig ofi till' filoll iin law) will 1 yn the sIilly onl whi. htoy shall 1(n hoolarrd Ito Io ahlol.d, by if appointdi to I lf ullll tihat, ul(y, 1.ler thei law Irgi.llih, los Ili tison lis tihe return'ils 1 n110't in this i ilt0i. 'li'h olvil hlihorilT of this la4isis'f1i till flfe ther if of ov1ry li.i('H hi tifhe ia iiadf'L, lly snl is 1f ef ol flsson law, the rllturnin lflloni anil' by (iolioni 37 ofI tIhei It.

fa sii' follifal (h I compil she 'i0tusaii' tiso ltikt puilllbl' Iproclllnation of t11fl rouslt, and to 1 i ilt' Il ll 'tlllsll thereofL to Ithe M.o'lotaril'y o'f St il 1. Re is not ns thollll to ll. (Iohlrl any on) 'f)lfot(td, isnui hlii. ltlol 1)0(114o oll. ll illH ff' 'r 1 uisll'l I 1 ioull A o(II i' Novl'miii(l'r 12.

)sltil o' tho fi he' l.toll la Is'irovfifin "th' at it 1eh10l hi thodl ty ofity lfis rotiary of Mt isfi', -or in hIs defa(ir lt Ill' nto( Auds nlot, lIs'a than ton inoi i illrll tfh li ayls Iftol' t(Ii' (lay of hil nli fg 111 S'l't'ihl t. i the (onlIlatiofsn oif thfi. rtl' sin, 1ail 1 ia(l4 n1 as pol liif thl'rl'afl, is' lfr II, c.h I llnpiif thf mlil ilatfiio of tihe (isiii a ishil pl lish in thel (flilhal journa'i llil it oIf af fIll1h onuflllihl.iat'e tot'. aiif IIuii1Ol )l orvll'il lLsa Ituily caslt, for' I.l( shown biy I.t11o 10(ll(rn14, land 1 tshll(lt dt'clHrr tla Ihr' Irrreining ithfe, n1lllllr1 if 11ll1 or Ih of fice for 'tRuh coe.4 of roa emulnde, 1h(1 been, rdul ally opinionil thl Is to nisr ni-. doolara(ttion of a '(3 1(I01 illfl lS.lllla I51 Me.

tll Is lfo it lih itl; thI efetfihon it Ihas tll of Itsr 'esult, aid lln1' i ll 1 1' li i Nl' tlrom lI il isl 1 11f ti 'o ll to il i eaninlg oif thiie used in the sldxil soction of tOhe hsr1 thinl thlo'l'fro. titil, si on thll istl, Mondiay after iru il 'i IS pilli (lish(d, 1tIe cori'lanci with tf, ciill I Idol not, thtinl ('itiyoflfor' rufii r5 thommm Il isatsons sy the (i.ovesrnoll', sand, in liy olf l.i., the i.0p'ovilonhe oif 1'cl'ton ofil tihe 'l'tiol 'aw only apply to 0ll' 's whe 'ommi ssions artsncessary. Very rel'pectfl ll)', 1t. eF. JONAS, City Attorney.

A.Itfl oh githe till ns mado without alithoil'ity, Ill lli'e tion ji.stil fe thile assoltl'li1lo that, ffh11 opinion in by thel p5resent, and that whenosver the lii'l li ifflt Ils1n0 isfiil, jis itiiat thlens lnwly elected ollolin.s shall presont for thel of theiir resplective dflopartillontls, aft(1r thll "lpromlnillltlltioln" of the resiult of llction b(ly the ecr'otary of they will ind the prlesent Mayor and Administrators rlayd to mosit g'reflly giive lup thelir ti'rust to the now lomrns tao lasnit, toI the fill extl't, of their abilfitis in the inaug'uration oif their oIlhicial fusnctions. ILi neV'('t1'ht his 'l lls the City talll thatl tlhe oplinion of th iio Attorney, withloult cf onli5tr'all I llr)'l i itself, hats an a ispoarincoc n)tl' radllletion whllflin 1 quotatiln of til city 1nd lils own oplililon rlgarding the pirlodl whlin tllh oilrii'i's elect alrel "oititlofd ito take o(Ifill'," a'le brioulght ito For, Itoy say, the City Attor'n'y, lU1oiiig thloe thards's', which r'ads "thati 1(in th. 'tconf Monday following 1li0 day of t.hii Ii ppoii iln nt ho (JCo llUn.Ie hl hold Its first, ntoinlg at, 11i1 City hall," 0,14., 1 tand a5i'illi thatf theio (l'lm)o1il (1tls'1, lilsom the I li'y of (lllarltiol) of thef ing tho fihghs'i x'lot'os fnix'' a101')) 010c(11d, hfol l'vt'lthllil'l4s sals: thatl ho thliinks lthat, tlhel' Al.sayor' alid Adhihnhii'itratorsl. stli, '10 lnti 1'd to take 01111 on I hio Monday (Ifter tsuch dtcil l'iatloli is phuo Sihill' l' f1 ll a fool'ing slil to lis tllth ihli iion, e(1t a l'jlol'tlr is.oughti landi having foun(i i hliii, asked' him if thors wasxi a oi con traldilction is flli, hsio I iihsitI. llullS anlw('r(Ii hlilalt 5i1)itfhlli" t'xihi'd.

The phihlsn hind hiosin gotll, ilsst hly', it, xv- ts'ru'. 1ulit 's'ohlutitoll tlf th)' ('otlnrl. In re'gllr'lf 1,0 t1ilt' ilfrlll 'rlilt 01 sli nradiIJotolo hs satl thaiitt 1i11d hI OXlhlliflti it, in sia cotmmliunhlllthslon hi woiuld hill's) a.aid talit the malfin ioisnt, iilgig isltllishhl(1, th1on the ques1t1on 1of ot'tCilflihtili gatlhfl'llfla to tho dato of tho hlec tilon f'rolpe'r, thio li'rsi. Monday followhig till prTilisiilgiition or dhclrlition of thVe Of Sft1, i'lnsg a pthuid sit least equallil to thl "'OI'ond Mfn13 fill'tlowing ti (1ay of tush' llalflpliiit lnwll't o1 I a1cordlulg to tiths of lit' lhllirter. ANDERSON RECANTATION.

'lihat Weber Thinks About Jim's Stories andl Ilow tile Job Was Done. Anderson's recent reversal of himself and the bold assertion of the IRepublican press, that Weber would soon follow suit, creates a new interest in the latter gentleman. Mr. Weber is In town, and our reporter called on him last night. when the following conversation took Reporter--What do you think of Anderson's recent nflfidlavit recanting his testimony against John Shelrman before the Potter commuittee? Weber---I think he was bought.

As far as his statemlouts relate to me, they are lies Wade out of whole cloth. you offered or did you receive any money for your testimony before the Potter committee? did not receive any money for my 1 testimony, but I was led to believe that I could get money or position if I could testify in favor of John Sherman and the Republican party. you approached directly or indirectly with a view of retracting your testianony before the Potter committee, and, if so, were you led to believe you would be paid for so doing you object to giving the names of the parties who approached you to retract your testimony. and those who told you that a itwould be to your interest pecuniarily to I go with the Republicans will not give any names now other than mentioned in my testimony. At a proper time I will give all of them.

3 is charged that your evidence in regard to the destruction of the Sherman letter is not true. It is argued that a man of tl your sense, knowing the value of such a would have kt pt it to bank on the truth, however improbable it 4444.y s((444i4 It ma44y 14o o(444 44 1,1 w4 wh 'r'' tru1.1h 1( tt'44447C4'4' 4iInlnlI 1(4 1 ily.1 ili WIdOw W41( 414x to( 11n(1 t4 41.4(441ir',4 11. 11t44(444 44444 and oth 1.41.14443(43( (e4.4(44( (((P 1,44 t4 14ot14on'. ir 1.4444 ('4441(444(4'4 to t1.44 truth i11 w441444 havnor I ee41(1444ry N1vy IIto 144a444 holdtlha 44, I ('4 4 (((( Ittl such44 a4 1 tt)4 fro1141 ('4444444of1 It, I was444(44444n 1(4say. Th'at441 Would14 1444.v4" 444'(44(41414 sto14ry, 141ot 14 It was 4444I El4414 141141 444t.1y 444.

Ever4y matria 4.14l, b1 1141 iv i It 4(444 144 t44 4) I 1t 4(4, 41444 I 14av444 14 1441(411i. TIth; IICE i1RTII Ri 4DPIE.NAIIN). h4144d4'y, ti4 Ml.lLe Itg(strr 441 Votens, yo4444lA'4'y 4orn4r14g io'lvod 44, (4441414444444 fr4 nt 4 (44444441(4414444r cou4i1rt, comnr444i44.Ing a1'P ('414 'n i l41y, 1.144 instlant41 (to-dlay), 1befor1( th44 a44141i e(44rt 4a4441 to b4r14ng4 wit, 1414111 lltIro 14boo44s4, 41paper's, r44.444 appo(4'441 414444 tA) tin th1dlY wn4.4', 1(o4' od1n: testify 14 11 the (as o( D)44 Iy a4.44 14'auI 44I444'1Illegal 411443 li444.141 1111 conrlue of the elootdlou tIro ('441. T444.441'4' 144 14444411 'a14h3 4' a 44 14 th (44444t at, II 'c14 44k 1, to-day11, and44 give 4t14.i' 1.1.44 1e 1,4 1 All'11WINIVTItATOORN WHO QITAIllllti1SD. 4'.

K. (1hnv441 43, ti4n noWly el4ct.d of WV4AterWor4ks, 4nd Mr'. A. 11. I (4444444, o4 Ffla441(, took of bef11ore 'Is1st, of ,1111111111 yest1.4day.

444411wd 4444l 1. ('14v44llyp '4 1ond1 41r( Messrs. 'I'h4'. (144 401', '1. I), 11111 and J.

Powell, 4444(1 Messrs'. A 14041, B1ald1win and44 U). Edwards 41444 th144 Hur 44'41, fr M4'. 141414.4444n, T'144 oth14r1' A will qualifry and4 give3 bounl A MIANIRII IIYNNEIl. Whom4 4thin 14', ol1 Is 44444y4 444441 4444 1,1444 n04'44o Ip ewee '4 144444114 io1or4tr4444.

an(d4 4 avr'4'(4 414441 14 trr11son wcrig on otto side A fon on a 44441 41444 (aW( on th4rv. I 4(4, A hn 111.41(44144' Ies (4444111 1444's th4(41 44 14i44 Iwe4I4 4411,144411 'i4e4(41 A 4'44444144 R(oRHJs of it 111n banner was lain to ta iihoi ttnly orLhnboetl fio poor. 4441 114 Jtto 4414'I 4'4'144 t'4414U. 4 rui I ng A.In Flo 14 le A oo 4444411 (1441.4 14441. 14' 4)11144 144 hena' II of Spais ciiz of44'43 N41 (444144.

Weo larn that our estcanmd friend (Jol. J. J. Mollon has assumed the position of chief clerk of the wholesalo departmernnt of the extenslve drug establishmnent of I. L.

Lyons, corner of Camp and (I ravlor strmees. For the past twenty years the Colonel has Ioon engaged in this line of busIness and has boon the chllIf salesman in the well known house of Wheelock, Finlay Co. and Finlay Thompson. From his long experience he has oecome thoroughly acquainted with all the details of the business; and no man enjoys a larger degreeo of conidence and popularity In city and country than he does. He will prove a great and valuable acquisition to) the staff of Capt.

Lyons. Col. Jack has our best wishes. 1)r. Hlugh Kennedy was among those oour prominount citIzens who returnel to Now OrI nans yesterday.

After a prolonged absence from the city, embracing a visit to the Paris Exhibition, and, devotedl partlcularly to that oxalted duty of a carelul parent, the edlucation of his children, the Doctor conmes back in splendid spirite and fine physical health. in splendid spirits and fine physical health. THE CU TTOM-HOUSE. The Mall Ilmcultles. The following telegram was receolved yesterday by Postmaster Badger: ATLANTA, November 13, 1878.

To Postmaster, Now Orleans: Dispatch delayed. Texas mails via Momphis. (Gl letter mail preference--pasper mail to bI displatclhd in limited quantity, so as not to overcrowd the lines. T''triEhl, Superintendent. 'rhe delays In the Northern malls are unexplained.

Yesterday's mail, which was due in tii morning did not reach here until after dark, owing prolably to the failure In connurctions of the trains at Loulsville. Passengers who arrived here last evening say that the trafl that shouhld have left Lou isville ati midtnightI on Wednu'iday did not leave until 4 o'clock in thet, mornin'g. THIE SUI'lRVisOILs' PAY. The' great majorlty of the United States supervisors of election were paid Ioff yestterdlay at the Unitllled Stato Marshal's olilee, which was aniliiat'ed, by the way, b)y the presence of C(ol. Jack Wharton, for the lirst tiuno in a couple of weeks.

His successful strife with the yellow fever relapsO scarcely inlanifests itsell, although it is evident that there hals bion a struggleo. Referring to the pay of the supervisors, we are informed by Deputy Marshal Wurzburger, in answer to our questions, that they were paid in proportion to the time they served. In conmputing their services the solar day is taken as a basis, and those supervisors whose time was occupied beyond twenty-four hours were paid accordingly, a certificate from the clerk of the Superior Criminal Court, Mr. Eugene May, being required of each supervisor in order to establish the time when the ballot box, in charge of each set, was delivered at the court-house. At the City Hall no conclusion has yet been reached regarding the pay of the commissioners of election who have to look to the city for their compensation, but it is probable that the same equitable settlement made by the United States Marshal will be adopted by the City Council, unless, however, it is said that it can be shown that unnecessary delay occurred In the counting of the votes.

NEWS FROM ST. JOHN PARISH. From Mr. Ursin Jacob, just returned from St. John parish, we learn that the yellow fever is rapidly decreasing.

For the last week only a few deaths have taken place. The new cases of fever were: Jos. Combre, Mr. Webre, a son of Mr. Voltaire Combre, and Father Ravoir.

Mr. L. Depoorter, the District Attorney and Mir. Auguste Chabat, who had had serious attacks of the fever, are much better. The planters are all busy making sugar, and the yield is better than last year.

STATE-HOUSE NOTES. Mr. Ernest Delahoussaye, the recorder of St. Martin, who was wounded in a difficulty with Detiege, is not dead, but alive and doing finely. A special election was held in the city of Baton Rouge on the eighth instant, under the provision of the charter of that place, and F.

B. Hillen was elected administrator of police and correction tor the city of Baton Rouge. His commission will be forwarded to-day. Nurses and attendants in sick rooms, who have not had the fever. use Omaha Rhubarb Wine as a preventive.

For sale by L. Lyons, druggist. Convenient alike to the business centre and the best resident portion of Philadelphia, and ao nducted as a model first-class hotel, the Colonnade has achieved a deserved and enuring )pularlty. TIlE ELECT( LIGIT. LOCAL.

VlEWl ON TIlE IMU4 JE1CT OF ED1ION'S ILATEST INVENTION. rope, amolng, the Lholders 4of gas st41O, has ot lldiminished In I a44 (lay aftor lay 1.ow EdIIF)m's progress In his exp1rln44 tacrln thil, fooli ng 'TI4he loc'trio Is by means t1 1 t)ll4. 4IIVo Illion, Ihavling )4no011 por'4lted 4 by SII" lumplhrI'y Tio prin'ipl of the light Is perfectly slinpln. 'Ih two poles o4 I4tltory or electro-g4alvah ninr mlac1hlr lar cl.ln1tol0, the o0n41 with 4t pl4o4, of carbon above4 a4ml tihe other withl a like 1arlbon pencll below. thelr points barely touchin4lg.

When tho ehlc4trh cur1tnt passesl)4 froml I4battery or hl1octlro-mn1ogneth machlne, at, polints tho '4lcarbon po'ncl1 thlore Is given. out a brlllianlt whlite light. The troubl Ihrotfforel in the practilcal alapltatio of this lig ht, Ihas b)een that cabton) points, Inl I4 short Imo burned away and 1Ill chircuit was out ol'. Variousl' havo bo.oll I44Io) by clock-work and otherwise 4o regulate, till tnovomntiL of thl carbons that. as l.l4s, 44s theoy wore 4'urne'l would a4l )roach one another.lll' slowly, thus keeping uill ti11 current of elechtri'lity.

(ONE OP TI4E 4T)IEli which lhas provelnt4ed the elect(r'lc light fromn corning Ilto gen4ral'l4 usl0 wlas that, it wtas fountd irnmpolbihlo to 1su4livido tho Ilght it, wouli Iho )r1llu1 rbl to the eye1 In our ordinary apartme1nts. Its brlllrhucy andl offulgonllce silhown by thell repe4ated 4'xhIlIllous ti the open air, were too groat for dlwelling, and 4qlestion thin how ('Ian thits bo rolllenl andl no fil ubdivided thalltL I1the 4n414ml4 qu antity of lIcl*t liay bo given 1 o1, Iiffo'rent, bl444rnors or earhon'144t44. (1i4 to this tlin) 1nlen)O has no 4nomplish it, except, dlison's Invention towlrl wl 44 4 TIIHE WOll lllll rFR l(INGl provts s44e4of4414l4. Nip4alting on this 4u4Ibj4l'i, "LastI 1)o. I 4 4 tedl il4 th1 )(1110' Illn thatll, I lhave strulck ow.

I ot14ol hlllr all the books t1hlt, I 1l h1141, 411111 re'1Il 4ilI onl It, and tllho4ught. I was what, I rend I got, a4 ih tlit, 4 iy o')ry wis ul4 terly liilc'La te'lhll4l1). 'I'Two nllltl.h Ilgo Will4llml I4n4t 44 AIIns ell, li grn tlll 4 1144., 0 4i11 4,44 i ll4n lilci' 1 144 him alll 4141 ll'44', 44444444444n4 Wl' light, ai differel i mai hlnes. for makli ing thoii. I'rofl.

1tlir.ker a.n1d 1''rof. ('hbaii )or or4 with 4144). I Flaw fo1r tl) W1im, ve in lllict 04 tior l. II, wil4 4 44.ll eIfore iln. I s.wL tIe11V I4ling had l.4 (I n441 1 forin bet.

I i1.I a chy 14 (s that, wn144 ha4 b14. 1 4 ,1 4 I ve, 111 1 u4i4144l. Th'in 1I 44.ll I n4otll iL bonli enhdiv1l4d 4n I4 cou4 44 brought 1n4o pri4at4 h1414s. In 4444 nleci, ric lights heriotfnl'obtineld hlt hntensiid of tie lighlt, was gl.rLt., al141l tlhe iuanltiiltl4 very low. I e.nllllln1) bacl hbond, nl 11 ii ll c1 1 onts expl'ilests two In ll emsion, I ll(scovlred! tin c.lret, so slnpib thlat, a Ibotbhlak Iut dldIonly c('aml to Ime, lll iiho scret of the speakin41lg phonograph4 It, was 1 r1l1, 4444 44no 4lanto14.

I Wils 41, 4sure that would worllk as I was that1 the phohllrnograph would work. I mlade l4ly ilrust, mlachillllnel. It was 1 Rlli400.s. 81I4('I thoul I 1 lhave made I'I11lIV II machlines, ditff.re1t1, 4aind the last ones Il uponll those44 first, 4ml4l4o. 'ho sub(divislon (of the light t1 a1ll right.

''l4' onlily thing to b1e accurate'ly is Its 1am alreadIly positlvo tlhat it, will 14be chloaplr illIIuthan bullt hav4 llnot ylt (Ino rl'miln4 how munl chlea.por'. 'T'o dlt4or'mlinl itsf, ecouolly, I arn now pultting up a brick b4dilldi14g 1)1ack of my Il'her. It in to bi, 125 fot4l lon1g. I havet already or1dered1' two4 eighty-hor'1 thlis ulll In opposition to Mr. Edison's c'lai4ms th)ere have como out In1any but aB EDL)HON'H4 (ENIUE1 has so far outstripped all science, it, may be he haslin his possession the soughtfor solution.

One learned writing on this subject says: "The irlincipal dlliiculty to be overmonlie Is the lack of economy in any mnethodr of producing light by electrlcity, except by the voltalc are between carbon) points, and as Mr. Edllson this method, and limits himself to the plan of Incantdescence, he will flind his ilath bscet with dilllculties8 In this (Iirection. lhis is shown by the well-known fact that an electrical current. of a given strength will yield about ten times as much light when used to produce the voltalc are hiotween carbon points as it could by being passed through a piece of platlinun, so as to raise it to a white heat, and give the light. In some expernIients recently imade In Paris by M.

Fintaine It was found that a powerful blattiery of forty-lIght elemenrrits would Iproduc in cine inr pl a light in0'ellndlescenee eq ual to forty burners; bult that when the satie current was in two lari )is the light in each was only three to five byurners, and when dlivideid )1only one-quarter llurnr illn each. Fullrtherl subdiv. islion resulted in a total extinction oi the light. A siliilar rIesult was r.eached(I whether tilhe I1)nr1) wvr' IeIl In series in the same circuit or in ileriveIl ci In usi ng Id lynamo-letr(iethjc ialin1( ini i la)ce, of a hattery the sourcef'( of the el.ctricity iith saiime ditlliculty woullhl irisesint, itself, with this addithoual one, that whereas the force of a Iattcery remains cltoi )nstant lunder all chanlges of that ofi a ilmaclhine ldoes but decreaseis iLs thle resistanlce incre(aseHs." In view of the interest taken in thel subject here, a represelntative of the (IA'r called upon) Mr. Thieobaldl Forstall, of the New Orleans Ga'slight Company, to learn his views.

Mr. FIorstall was seen at the oflic of the company atnd responded willingly to all questions arskedl. He said that he had just returned( from a visit to the Paris Exposition, to which pllace he went to investigate the subject of the electric light. I1o examined thorouighly into the matAter, and found that it required fully ia one-horse power engine to each light. In the orangcrie, of the Exposition and in the grounds there were ia number of these lights, but steam power to the above stanlard was required to drive the dlynamo-electric mnachines which furnished the fluid current.

These engines requitred the attendance of an engineer, and in this there is a loss of economy. ON ONE OF THIE BOULEVAIIS.q thereweid several ot these lights in operation. The was only sBo1e seven hundred yards intlengthl and in no 680O were the electric machinOe distant from the light more than two hundred feet. Hle thought it was a serious obstacle in the adaptation of the light that it was found so difficult to got suitable conductors of the alectricity to transmit it any distance with sufficient volume to give the necessary quantity for illumination. When questioned upon the point as to whether the introduction of Prof.

Edison's invention, if successful, would or would not affect the gas companies, he said he thought it would not. In the first place, if the streets were lighted with them the company would not regret it, for the gas company had not been paid for over live years for doing it. As for its introduction into dwellings he did not think that probable. THe BAPI'D COMBUSTION of the carbon pencils of the electric light would require frequent replenishment of them, or it the platinum was used, as Edison claims he will use, the care and attention of a galvanic battery in a house would be expensive and unsatisfactory. He thought that if the new light was introduced into large halls and theatres, then the people who had been sitting an evening under this almost daylight when they returned home and saw the light of their gas burners, would light up one or two more, and thus consumption would be increased.

He thought the whole question resolved itself into this: How much illuminating power can be got out of a pound of coal by retort distillation directly, Ind how much by using it to convert water into steam to run the dynamo-electric machines to furnish the electricity to the new lights. UNTIL EXPERIMENT HAD SHOWN that more could be obtained from the electricity obtained from this pound in running an engine than from distillation then as a minatter of erniorm the le'trli lighti.L wouild flOt tbe suci'ss. It is ita of d(oIiars andl cents, whicl Is the When askedl whether the report 7'dison's hltl not down the sitoc: th New Orleans (Iaslighlt ompany, he that here Iis eVoerywherl'e lsiO tlt both o't inetll, the of gas ollf panles5I fell. Hlro it wvient dlowln trolr $liI0 to $85 per share. lie dlil niot learn of any actuall isales of more than twenty shares at t0 lIatter figure.

IThle Ilolore of ngas stoclk heonre nturally very timnid, they bIeing rilotly trustBes, exentllors. tlltors for minrll ors who are responsible to Ithe courts for the ivestnmreitA narIo. lie dlil not oppose tit letast the introruoctlon of the electrit light, for if it wIas nt s.riiss, the Ii i Lpany nlmight run It, in connecti.oi wit theior works. At' the office of the AMItItiiiAN1 TEiLERAI'le 0 OOM'AN'Y, Messrs. W.

W. Illuk and A. I)etierr Ln, who were iIn charag, were ilnttrviowcsl. Mr, Iilrck did iot e'Xpr's ii tirnself as sangOuinc it the i(1success of Mr. Edison's claitis.

stated, however, lthat, if he Rucceiho In sn.lldlivlll"ng the electric current so that the light could ll introducetld Into dwellings the A District Te.legra,ph (mpiulany, lthrough its wire, could I'TiuiTSHi EVERIVY 110U513 with the reil arimunit oif eletrlicllty for illhnisation, that. is if Mr. Edison's clltis wor substalI nti tiated. It wouldl requliro li i Ipowerfui engine to riun large ynaro-oelectric machines, and tlhe wear anl tear would be very great, yoen If it was to get conduictors. l'he A rrlerican l)istrtT'loegraphConmpa nv, however, woulld furnish uthe electricity if EdiSon would subulivide the current.

It might, te nlecessary to have several dilfferent, local stationsi with batteries to 111 up what, had leaked. off the wires, bult that was nothilng. Mr. Dnliergue agreed with Mr. Huck, Iut, doubteud the possibillty of getting conductors large e'onllgh to convey Ia suflflent oquantity oele'tricIty lotng for illuh ilnatlon.

Ilh croull not say what Edison was doing. for unholrly knew. A sto.k cimipantyv with s4omnl htladl orn forlel In New Y('irk to pushi1 thl new lightl, hutl. ats luolling but, 'expe 'lmiihtl tk talken plnu'. Noboldy cold tell whait Edwilson i oulll ril.

Ie witis a rnmin sulih its only onle. ill onle O1' t.WO A Free FIRMtl, DnrUrln Ttva Worn Al. ii list, tn1 jius. i' ir'l nier (e, 11I II ll''1 (IU. L)) nn I 'owui nif" lexiiiein, Alloy mi einiiiieiye lire '11'vi'iit01 1 CVII III jiiitiliiiiihu Is iiiiir.tiohnitiri lglu1er'4 ui FAn'rri'l wiJlllrtiii.s iiU14'y rngn.

troiiwn el1.1 1 uertli'n rnic 11' I 1'fr 4 lese trsjeirs 'VI'I. h'fIiisrs weswu liii r'e If e. etl.eei4 Il hire gte te' liteeuty i oii'tiii rif liiij i i Inniri ivies t- iirire'r iy tii'' rung Iteent. vn1rs-s iii ynigsu.r itteirs hom ing or hi tne titriity wi.igit turni; ilkl thu tirit. A freemr sir of reil thu prtiunr' jeiiutA'it iun trsen Il niri etgirl tiiln u1ri1rst tiiienietetrnei lly tcrwrr lritollin to icrle yu ound Ifid ho tlvl, "Ire trkiit.

AI It. A. I it. tti lts rnrtity, i.uisit'Fii bti t11'it'oiiiiert Iftftie'tiir, peromnntly iit I(ntro I no njueteen ieneetl(. theerern r)1I)er' itr'(rt, uroel, ure ovenrg tinieret te Intel rd Pireinct, -itationr, ii eir e' thteern iup sin tll)e netrutege oT lghIting es-reel 'I miter lit ng tl)e pmuine 1)111 rg tit*-u item it Inr tIne, city i.

'f'len Ithreen as-eulsied nvnro pa-rleditt Ia) ppar'4thie It. rppenins Iluer.t Dunin esni turege'r' (pqr isr'eiIng toige'tticer', chaesrgt ng onor tieaving wor'edtie ergeatinst XWeateern, rnu'erihee' oif tie' IJus tee roueu then eueivelerti warri, whilehl fi rnai Iy te'11)n'ni nsti' tin Iteieger'ie ieelierg tries tilstI1.7en stetihieiiitrig eel IDiln.i. 'Fun) leesi 7)11)41414(l It's ntornnedee targeet anrd iutreick Feireinm Ie thee ti'g. A gtenetral- row thourn bill ateivn nincet. fl 4)11-11141 WI bIl Ill (1I.4l)1V1 '(Ull'I BRIEVITIES.

S()On Sunday, tho twenty-fourth instant, the New luSItanr.l~tHo01 Solety will celebtrate tIh Stwenty-first rllrlivl'rsary of it on in N- NO leaVInsP by It grand paradel and banqull)t. Mr. (Caplrl'r Mlarroero, shoriTf I(f St. at'rnalrd, was in town yesterday. IIo said that ther 'I yllw fevr was 1not, yet, over in the parish.

Labor is rnea owl ng to the fact that tho refos(e toI) work. has ccomo rof tho many fltrmbula.tirlg of walking sticks and ca.mrs that were s) plentiful on (Canral street rsomeO timeu ago? Not a singlo one can now bo observed. -CITY ECHOEM. A vicious dog that hlad bitten at little girl Hloward stroot WIIas shot yesterday, at 3::,) o'cloc'k, fby ()llio'r MartinI. henry Brown, for having a rnersehaullr plpo illn his pa osse 1)l)o, I)supp)'ed 1t, halve hoen stolen, was lockedC up in the Second Stlatihut hII)IiH).

I At to 12 Wednladray night s-tovepipe broke and set lir toE 1I i roof the hols0 No. IlIurgundly street, slightly irilaging the wane. Jam rrlc E. Iatvis, aI tilef Ily occrrprrtion, was )Irrtedi by (1lli'er ()opper arrd lucked op in tihe Third Sttion, with being ia dangero))s and suspicious character. A charge rof Mlike Wol it) lo)(ked uip in the Fourth Stalt ion.

Thos. and Thos. weor'n run into) the sarno 1tation, (chIrgd with )tbeinrrg accetsSorles. SIX I'H llDIRTRICTI COURT. Wmi.

Alex. Gordon vs. Mario Louise Goulo.Judgment for plaintiff as prayed for with costs. G(eo. I)etrich vs.

Chas. Cavanac, Adrministrator of Commen revenue suit. Ruile taken by the city on plaintiff to show cause whiy ju he i Ijnctioi herein issued should not bondled. Rule fixed for Friday, the twenty-second instant. SUPERIOIR CRIMINAL COURT.

HENTENCED. Carrying concealed weapon-Paul Zambelli to one day Parish Prison. McGee Murder. Coroner Roche last evening concluded the inquest in the killing of Michael McGee and the jury brought In a verdict against Thos. Finnerty An Item Speaking for Itxelf.

Upon hearing had before me, on the sixth day of November, 1878, of the charge against Mr. Chas. ToWer, for fraudulent registration, he was honorably discharged. W. G.

LANE, U. S. Commissioner. Smothered to Death. At half-past 1 o'clock yesterday, a child aged fourteen months, while sleeping at its parents' residence, No.

Magazine street, got its head under a portion of the feather mattress and was smothered to death. Coroner notified. A Lucky Man. At 5 o'clock last evening a man named H. Grant accidentally fell into the river from the steamship Woodburn, but was rescued from drowning by some men on board.

When rescued it was found that he had been wounded about the head by striking against a pile. Fire. At half past 12 o'clock last night a fire, the cause of which is unknown, broke out in the one-story frame house on Dorgenois street, between Palmyra and Banks. The property was damaged to the amount of $250. The name of the occupant or owner could not be ascertained.

The alarm was turned in frm box 126. Two Men Killed. Mr. E. Gautier, who arrived in this city yesterday on board the steamboat Isabelle, brought the intelligence that at 12 o'clock on Wednesday the steam pipe of the engine in the sugar-house on the Rozio plantation, twenty-four miles below the city, exploded and killed two negroes.

Mr. Gautier was slightly injured himself by the explosion. TIl A I ll COMMIITTEE.g CANVARI JEIs OF TIE LATE LECITION TO lIE (ALLEII TOIETIlEIl, Every VlIttlion elr tSlne ICeerl ration Ionw, to be Pro)eeuted Iby lise lDenoterr- tiColnser vaii ves The foilowiig rnarriblo aIiI in'tluii, Ii by Mr. Hhic l0, worin paIind cl liLt nlight by lthl of tle Jh.onnuo(trlC4ric-i)1i0iviiti party: WhoV Incvi' 'i'rititivYen oi the h-( i nicnrvtiv party nif tIhe FpariTh of Orlan Fool thr.olv('i all )t uponl by thI i d.lovmolo.lontot of the pillhicl caprri.n.lrl jllt tI) party 'from illln'tlirci an falso no tthney are rnalintoout, rndl to dolini, lti 0 colirson of n'inul it wihIicli they pledge thjmsirfiolvfvs to, plursue Ifor tho of lthe frrnilorrl and Plurilty of electIons tlhe city of Now Orl'eai; anl Whomranr, their ps rty hAtu lr wn IA) t.h(e) a1, slel'd Ul. i ii oid th d(uty (of limllla.ting frlllid froni, thel registry of lallntlifidl vot'rs; of' sroint.y frorm thi.

ilflluenlo of a admni lnistritn of lhi laws, alnd of viniting with lcondigi plnillll mntllirt every violation i of tie purifty of the electoral Irancti in; now thefore10-, ho If, Th''liat tlhe pr)lsitirit of the Dlnmooriallc-Consorviet liv Parlsh Cor ii nritteni of the piniisrh oif Orlealiln an lia lis horoby atlthor.izyr' tl nd llre piweredl ti appol hint ai. nt, 0(Oi0rnittr', csrtislst of live imiemnrbero, whio shrill ilil allld s.ieorvir. thim work plr'b'r'nirlmd by tli, lr.Icat.l forcl n'ow crrngedi Ii pr'prrlnr. affidhvits against persolns gulity ir violati onsc the laws oannOtpId ll' tli l'egintrattioi oIf lthnf qualiled voltrl's oif tllhe Sltat, tland for tho lregiil tiin of thi c.oniliint allllil tl.o mintalltnillalc'e of thle freedotm lalrl purity ofr eletiorst I.herein. li, iU furlher 'Thlit tfle cornInlttee sr inpollointer re ilrtrulid llct tl cii i. w)ho i'vifsim tlhe regI Ist'atlin 1of (eachr (o1 th, pri of rp fthol oily (if Nelw ()i'liiti, nliny niwew.l' fil nldl ullrorl 'IJ) i afl. hlavl itl h'il'ady iltl lwl ii inii that it, tin ilso dcit-rif to ixMiriii iiitii the hrl i.i'gi,'l i i ifalt, iri tall i lnldii alo fr toy 'if riiouii'y aniri of ui.oll il liirel 1ti iiiiiif tm all anld nill, dl ef1 nl.ll furrhri 're' oir-, I Thl i iol thiIi ipr'nltll tiir if Itr Ii iriio'IrritII it. linl vatilvI'l fiiity of wrvll rnl Vlll fllir lgi ruii lhri irilil lliri tw Ffiil ht iv Il i ol filr thra 1111'r rT Ile frJ, fr1'tn1 fii 'llev I A ihtil furthi, i i haf 'ln, clJi. itI h.i ri fhive vt rli' tll lineiu, ll 0010 fobl'' ieiriutr einvs of ull, i oiu ih Ii urs of fiiridlii- iirt pi Irt, piro'nui'i'J byr in raltt'it, W'llrn of 7 inI four! Intlelrest, we woulld apaih i.u11 io iou will Iii r'iith evi- 1 l.7 dculn 7 have ti, iin i rawl ty an 1 i's lii.jtI,iti Ithl) til frq milluti of iiiii furumi iiird iniuiue bt log whtiil'of io'f rriiupii'iiion' firiuf tiiuiy hiave won on1 tby th tirl ii ricyhl i' iivir litii r.uproiiicfi of ii11 indi, vi The Career and l.ate of the Orilgnal Bodly-natcher, Burke. The crime for which Mrs.

Alexander was sentefnced to imprisonmTent for life, Iand for which young Jliastr is yet to to tried, In not without its prototype. Indeed, so c.onwly has the ranrlerr of committing it been followed that it would neern as though the stary of the model crime had been read with care. There are points of variation, but these are merely in thp oi direction of improved Just fifty yearsl ago flourished in the city of Edinburgh two rascals named Jiurke anrd hare, whose trade waIs --mIurlder for the profit to be gained Iy selling the for dissiction. Their last victim was nii old woman whose dead body was seen in the roorn. of the murderers, where she hadr boon singing iranld carousing ai short time ibfore.

Burke was arrested. nlare turned Ing's evidencer and thre formier was hanged. Jirurko con)rftessed before exircution to no less than fifierun murdersm conmrnmittel in comlpanly with Iiare. Their plan had been to pick up rold or weak-mrlnded personI on the streeo.t, tiring themrn to their residelnces, rgive them food and drink, make merry with thorn. alnd then, when the liqluor made thorn i thlr: toi Oied.

Once asleep one of the firnds would hold one hand over the victim's mouth andi nose anid proess up the chin with the other, while the other wrotch flung himelf over thre lady to keep still the arms and legs. The' body was thus without external marks of violence; the body was pa eked in ia biox or btarrel, andL the I(surge'Ion asked ino questions. In the case, the )mairch of scineo lis seen. lThe victim once a. tlep, or even drowsy.

some chloro(fotrn took the of the strargulat, lin pIroi as. Fortun.IrttJly the law mriarl the surgeon In this nice on tih questions of whelrre and how the body hard Itren obtained, Rana the htudents of hie Newgate Calendarlo found i that they ltid conrnmitteUd an, murder. bliut, could inot fied a market. Whtlher the offer to iuy xtioliis, which I)r. Hanmdford is said to have mahde before the crime to Mrs.

Alexandler, was suf-i liciently licit as to the source from which thiy should ie obtained, does not, appear. It is probablelt that as the bumsiness iin any case required a defitir.nre of popular proj udite, Mrs. A in ler Lavarico uis reasoning, to the c'oncl uslon th.t the scientific; eagerness which woulld risk running couinter to pri'judice would not be stopped by an inquiry into an infractiton of the law. 'Jo her depravetd mind laws and prejudices were mluch theu sarme thing, antl one crime was no moire in her eyes tharn anothelir. That Is the way cri me is hatched.

It is time that the supply of the need of "subljecrts" should be taken in every State out of criminal hands. MACKEY'S COMPLAINT. The Charges Made by Him Against the Charleston Commissiloners of Election. WASHINGTON, Nov. burden of E.

W. M. Mackey's complaint, who was nominated for Congress in the Charleston, S. C. i)istrict, is that at two polls in ward three of Charleston he did not get a fair shake.

He writes thus: "At the two polls in ward three, known as the Palmetto Engine-house, one of the managers, W. T. Daggett, the foreman of the Vcews and job printing office, stuffed of these little tickets in the box after the poll wasf The managers, linding that there were )5(Y ballots in the box, declined to throw out any, but counted them all, and returned the vote of that poll as 461 for Mackey and 3108 for O'Connor, At the other poll in this ward the same act was performed, and the managers returned 121 for Mackey and 1866 for O'Connor. So that one ward out of the eight in the city was male to give a majority of 4392 votes for The utter impossibility of returning 3569 persons at one poll in the space of twelve hours needs hardly be argued, as the managers voter eeparately, and in many cases consumed three or four minutes questioning some voters. It if safe to say that the average time consumed in voting each man was one minute, which would allow 720 votes to be polled, provided there was a continuous stream of voters dur- ing the twelve hours the polls were open.

Yet at this poll the managers make a return under oath that 3569 persons voted in the space of twelve hours. By this method Charleston city is made to give O'Connor a majority of 6527, or a majority larger than tle entire Democraticvoteof the city. Mackey concludes: "I see no remedy for the wrongs we are compelled to submit to. The publication of them, I am afraid, will do little good, but still publish them far and wide, that ti the world may know to what crimes the re- fi spectable Democrats of South Carolina may tl descend." It may be added that the entire Republican press is whooping up the letters in flaming head lines to-night. In another column will be seen the card of S.

M. Todd. who advertises Lake Shore HeadLight Oil. DANZIjGER, 157 Canal st. We tordlal.y invlt) our customers and the to an inRUoction of our GRAND OPENIN( --or--NEW FALL Dress Coods JusFt rEolvod Immense shlpmnnts of NEW FALLr nt'Eh8 GOLDH.

In most hautlfol noW styles and shados. Prices ratnging from lit. to res. Hnvoral cases Low Priced from s8. to -ANDA FEW CA1MEr OF THE RICHiEST'' (MOODS EVER PROI)UCED.

l'ri'is rsmringl from tui to so per yard. ,10 smeti tll, (Coloredl D1ri'r GOODX, such i Iti flrinir Mritslalnsi (oods i n' )llJirln Rn the no shadest of NVW (A1)A KS Jlr I' WI lNEJg, i tt 'A 7lt It alil Ithe now Si' it th mallest ti Jim)1; Jl.Jy, IOIJERY -O8IERY. haivs yitj unuvual lly wel- of iP.o lt'tietd IoH4IERIY for ll.ot ani, Alidroot in all sires. nd rwelit, JI ll flnittih I1Of1E1, doubleto heels and tro, worth a ti se' it, only $2 50. fell- itnihedl Enrglilh HOCKS.

double ani wrth 4 a at only $2 50. foll-firdlahd fltOE. doublo heels and worth tl a at only $1 5i-a groeat barI; ye' finished O8CK4, doublo heeools and toes, worth $3 it dtozen, at only $1 50. -ALtOA few cases of spclalties in COLORED HOSIERY for ladies, gentlomen and children, stylos roserved exluHlsvely to us, and being of rare bonuty, are in thmaselves well worthy of a visit of Prices ranging from un to t1 per pair. Our salosmen will take pleasure in showlng therm without any rtgard to purchase.

We are Solo Agonts for Louisiana and MIsls.sippl for the unequaled REAL JOUVIN'S KID GILOVES. MEGDAILLE D'Ot 1849. MEDAILLE D'OR 1867. Unappronehed by any other first class mannfactuerer, iftholr for the uaility of the skins and matorials used or for the excellence of cut and fit. Ladles with short, medium or long flngers can all got an exact lit If they buy the real Jouvin'e.

We have full lints In White, Black, Dark, Medium and Opera Colors, tesldes an Immtnse stock rf other Kid Gloves, iin trios ranging from 500 upward, from two to sixteern tbuttone. Evry plir of Gloves gtaranteed fresh and In rgood order. We rfttiund the money for every of Gloves bought In our storo that does not Ive fuIll andl entire satisfaet.ion. Mourning Goods JUIST OPENED. Ten cases new and fresh MOURNING GOODS all warranted bcat jet bleck.

IBsides a number of noveltlis In Matelassecs. Drap Batoum, Dra Syria. I'Persians and other new textures, for the first time dslVlayed in this city. We have a full assortment of Barathea Cloths, Henrietta Clotns. Crepes, Borges Drap d'Alma.

Batines, Drap do Zurich, Barrours, Bombazines, eta AND SELL Black MUSLIN DE LAINES, worth 25c, at only 12Yc, Black CAPHMERES, worth Son, at only 30c. Black EMPREbS CLOTHS, worth 50c, at only Black TAMISES. worth en, at only 40o. Black ALPACAS, worth 20e, at only Black MOHAIRS, worth 4oc, at only And all these articles from these prices up to the very finest produced, all at proportionately low prices. 9--A We refund the money for any mourning goods bought in our store that do not give full satisfaction.

An assortment of BLANKETS, White, Gray and Colored. FLANNELS, White, Gray. Red, Blue, Purple and Yellow. Shawls, Cloaks, Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades, Cottons, Sh.etings,Denlms, Stripes, Osnahurys. Checks, Lowells, Linseys.

White Goods. Linen Goods, Towels. Lace Curtains. Bobbinet and Muslln Bars, Table Damasks, Furniture Cretonnes. Corsets, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Gents' Under Vests, Neck Ruchlngs.

Fringes, Trimmings, Ribbons. Notions, etc. Silks, Satins, Silk Velvets! All at DANZIGER'S well known low prices. Our Underwear Department, under the supervision of Mr. GEO.

McGIBBON has attained such proportions that ladies will be surprised at the immense assortment we have on hand, as well as the elegance and perfection of every garment. Even our lowest priced goods are perfectly sewed and cut. Full assortment of Skirts, Chemises, Corset Covers Night Gowns Pantalettes, Infants' Robee, And Children's Underwear, AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU, We refund the money for each and every ar. ticle purchased in our store that does not give full and entire satisfaction. We send samples free of charge to all parts of the country on application.

Orders from the country will receive the prompt and personal attention of DANZI GE 1 157 CANAL TBREET, oc 2011 2md.

The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.