Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

A A A A 1 1 a a a a BROOKLYN DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1869. Brooklyn Daily Times. THURSDAY EVEN DEO. 0, 1509. Local and Minor Lopion.

DONT forget the Kate still concert tonight, It will be a rich saualcal treat for all who silend, Ge early and got goed seals. programme, in GRACE Eastern District, Her, W. G. Chadwell, Pastor, had a very picasant goth. ering their Bunday-school room last evening, A fair, festival and supper were given in ad of the church that was well attended, and proved satisfactory and eucecestul, THE BROADWAY BAILBOAD GO This splendid body composed of picked seen, 10 the, of forty under command of Capt.

Anthony Cerad, 19 Broadway, proceeded tout this forenoon to Brede's Hotel, Kast New York, for target practice, carrying with them several valuab'e companied prizes. them and Mayor's suade the "aloe fly." band aer FERRY BOAT COLLISION. --The ferry boat ren, on bor way to New York yesterday afore noon, bad not gone far from the toot of Broadway, before she carne in collision witts the Idaho, ming this way. The crash was appalling, but the collision was anticipated by those on board in time for them to get out of the way, The Warren was struck on the bow, and the Idaho in passing, broke a way a considerable portion of the ladies' cabin. Ope lady bad bor back severe.

ly sujured. A RICH ENTERTAINMENT, al the popular price of but twenty cents, will be given by the Young Folks at Dr. Porter's Churet, Bedford avenue, to-mor night. In addition to the rot exquisite musie of the organ, manipulated by competent performers, and the singing of the celebrated St. John's choir, in chorus, solo and duett.

The Nev, J. Hyatt Amith will deliver one of his characteristic and popular lectures, thus making a varied, pleasing, and I instructive entertainment. The firat of this serion, givon two weeks since was a grand success, and this will undoubtedly prove ibo same. MURICAL. NOTES, -Tho season in the musical world la opening most promisingly.

However dull general businosa may be, the ladies of Brooklyn will gratify thoir incrossing taste and love for muelo. Operas, concerts, and the Now York and Brooklyn Conservatory of Muse are unusually well patronized. The Conservatory named begins to resound with the maumo of Afteen hundred retorning pupile, who are accompanied by many now aspirants superior education offered. It is to recomtnended parents and pupils to visit this Conservatory (126, 128 and 180 Court atroot) before the witter classes are closed. D.

EXTINGUISH tho Water Board, of course! Would it not be well to wait a bit, until the Water Board wraps some sort of a mantle about itself, and, gathering strongth. extinguishes that worse than Now Zealand nondescript, tho gentleman who looks after tho hydrants -tho gentleman who promises to clean our streete: and keep the crossings passable when the snow pesters us, and takes money out of the pockets of the sewing-women. Don't extinguish the Water Board just yet. Lot me through that organization reap some harvest that will sponge out tho past, presont, and to como BY, modern contractor. OTHER creations than man "Aro fearfully and wonderfully made.

Until within a year or two the Ailanthus tree has escaped tho caterpillar. The present year it came, however, and the inTS, acct proved to bo a hago specimon of the manyringed family, of a greenish white color, and repulsive appoarence. It any one interested will examine the now naked branchos of the TOR Ailanthus, they will tind that the insect bag wound himself up in a leaf to hybernate, and also that ho has cemented tho stem to which tho leaf is attached to the limb, so that it not fall off, as it should do naturally. Those FFS, who will'take the trouble to knock off these twisted will have wormlors trees noxt season -otherwise the nuisance will prevail hugely. THE WORST TEE that you can put a young man to, is to oncourage him to livo by public office.

At the present moment bere are more than a dozen applicants for the places which will be vacant on the first of January next, and ORK of these dozen scarcely, one can be called thoroughly competent. don': thoy learn A at. ad- trade, and in time havo somo permanent omployment? Are they too proud to work, or are they too lazy? In and around the City Hall and Court House may be scen daily a hordo of 500 fellows of most excelle-t bone and sinew, who 60o do not work, but impose a tax upon the earn700 of their mothers and sisters to keep them 80c ings in funds. Were they even fit for offico, they $1.00 should not be either choson on or trusted, because $3.50 of this exaction. Let the principal shut out all $4.00 fellows who are mere offico-seokere.

$3.50 FATHER -The great sensation of $2.50 this evening in New York-throwing the opera, the theatres, the meetings of Sorosie, and every other kind of entertainment completely in the shade-is Father Hyacinth's lecture at the IRD. Academy of Music, on behalf of the French Benevolent Society. There will be a perfect Jam on the occasion, every ticket having been disposed of two days ago, at the rate of $2 for reserved seats and $1 for all others. Some greedy speoulator had offered. $10,000 for the house, with privilege of fixing prices; but the eloquent ate, monk, with a proper sense of what is duo to his position and character, and to the cause for whose benefit he is about to appear in publio, refused to speak on higher terms than those above stated.

The French Society for which ENS. he is to plead, is a benevolent Association, whose bounties are confined' to natives of Franco in this country, the recipients being principally elderly women. We venture to predict that Father Hyacinthe will to-night receive ovation such 88 no Catholic priest either AD in this country or Europe bae ever yet met 'S, with. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. -The BET.

regular monthly meeting of the Young Mon's RICE Christian Association was held at their rooms last evening. The President, Mr. J. B. Thomas, occupied the chair.

The New RecordSecretary, Mr. Quinnell, entered upon his ing duties. The Association have secured excellent Supec ficers and managers for the present year-the beat the Association has ever bad. trashed After usual preliminary exercises, proposition membership were acted upon. The reports of the several Committees of the For have Association indicated activity in effort.

An cellent paper on the "Life and Character of Dan' Webster" was read by the President, who wards received a vote of thanks. A pleasant 50. conversation on the general affairs of the ation was engaged in by the members. It was announced that the Rev. T.

L. Cayler, pastor of RICES the Lafayette avenue Presbyterian Churob, would preach for the Association on Sunday AMBRI evening next, in the South 4th street terian Church (Rev. Samuel Carlile'8.) A to cor ey mOs familiar religious service is held at the ciation rooms every Sunday afternoon, at 4 to which all classes are welcomed. o'clock, These meetings have already become a decided Hal success in point of numbers 48 well as in deep religions devotion. NO.

rinde on Division, and asels Division, Sons of Temperance, met in frasournli sire ternal last evening, at the Eureka room, 108 and bad the heartieet sort of good time, Bpeeches were made Madden, Philips, and the Worthy Patriarot Patterson, of dive, and wore ed to by Ballon, the Worthy Patriarch, and othere, of Eureka, The solos and were of itso highest ore der, Among those that elicited the applause of the assemblage wore Farce Fiches," by Miss Donaldson, of Eureka Man in our Town," by Sties "Let the Dead and the Beauuful Host," "by Miss Luce; Rhymes," by Brother Buckman, of Prossensive; sad sho "Organ Holos, 44 Brother Prof, Heney A. Coard, Oe. ganiel, of Eureka Division. Past Worthy Patrisch Howe, of Eureka, rendered the poom entitled and Wear," man adsoirablo man. series wen aloo, Bachelor's Dream," by Brother Eureka sion doing noble work IN this community to the way of reformation; its sphere 'is not the Division room but the commandy al large, Monthly, 5,000 copies of the Kurela Peart are gratuitously die.

seminated in this Dietriof, thereby claiming the attention of thousands who are in comparative concorning the estelence of the Order of the None of Temperance, and, witts the tongue, pen, and press combined, are wielding a mighty influence 10 rotardion the soominaly indomitable sway of King Alcobol, The Eurekas are to Duish up a and home," on the socaud Wednceday of January, at the rooms of the National Base Ball Association. The National Association of base Ball playere held their Thirteenth Annual Convention in the Lowell Club Itooms, in Boston, yeatorday, tho meeting being order at 11 o'olook by the Hecond Mr. J. It. Blogore, of Vice President, Pennsylvania, Itecording Necretary, C.

E. Coon, of the Distnot of Columbia, and Treaenter, al. Si. Rogere, of Boston, present. The other officers were absent at a Porte The following named Hiato lone were represented: New York, N5 rube, by 9 dole.

galea, Pennsylvania, 29 clubs, by 8 delegate; New Jersey, 21 clube, by 9 del chusetta, 17 clubs, by 2 delegates, Slimmouri, 13 clube, by 2 delegates; Obio, a delegates and the of Columbia, 5 clube, delegate. The reports from the various Committees and Odicers the year were read. The report of the Recording Kocretary, suggesting that he be authorized to procure now engraved cortilcates to euo to membere, was adopted. When the reports were adopted the Conven. tion proceded to ballot for officers for the dent, nuing A.

year, N. with Bush; the Vice following J. renult 11. Wester- Prom Firet, volt, of New Jersey, Hecond Vice do. L.

P'. ler Recording Perretary, C. E. Coon, of the District of Columbia Corresponding Necretary. A.

F. Gorbam, of Ohio; Treasurer, W. A. bant, of New York. Delegates from the Kentucky Cub, of Loutsville, were admitted to seate, on antitement being made that there wore not sullicient clube in the State to form an Association, On motion of Mr.

Widey of New York, the Boston National Chronicie was continued the official paper of the fraternity, The amended constitution was taken up by sections and passod. The most noticeable alterations were one requiring applications for mombership in the Association to ba made ton days before the annual meeting instead of thirty, an beretofore another fixing the last Wednesday of November for the annual mooting of the Amsociation instead of December, and anotbor fixing the sum of fifty conte instead of one dollar, as heretofore, as the annual dues from each club belonging to the Aesociation. Aftor But ing upon these articles the Convention took a recess until half past throe, P. M. The afternoon 80-BIOD called to order by President Bush, at tho appointed hour, when, on motion, the rules and regulation with posed amendments, were taken up and acted on by sections, as in the case of the constitution.

The principal amendments adopted wore 88 followe: Giving the umpire permission to call strikes in the eame manner as in the calling of balle, without giving warning; in CAPO of an equal number of runs between two clubs a game, and where one refuses to continue it, giving the otber club the gamo, with a score of nine to nothing; striking out the section which makes a dietinction between amateur and professional clube. On bebalf of the New York delegation, Mr. Cantwell offered a resolution rescinding tho penalty of expulsion againet Edward Dully, of this city, which was adopted. Mr. Wildey, of New York, made A motion to add twenty to the scoro of the Cincinnati club, in the game played with the Haymakore, last August, the said game ending in a disputo, which was laid on the tablo.

After the usual vote of thanks was passed, Mr. J. R. Rogere, of Pennsylvania, moved that the next annual meeting be held in Cincinnati, but on motion of Mr. Wildey, the city of Now York was substituted, when the Convention adjourned.

After the Convention adjourned, the mombere, on invitation of the Lowell and Harvard clubs, vieited theatre, where they witneesed a superior performanco. Aftor tho tre was out, thev were escorted to the Parker Hone, where 8 banquet on an elaborate awaited them, at which his Honor, Mayor lifT, presided. SKATING. The skating season was inaugurated on our several ponds yesterday with great eclal. Tho managers of these institutions have mado parations on a larger scale this season, than for several winters past, and if the indications of yesterday's attendance goes for aught, the presumption is, that thore will be a busy season.

The UNION POND was crowded from early morn to late at eve with a happy band of ekatere, who enjoyed the exhilarating pastime with a gusto that a long deprivation can only impart. A band of music will be in attendance this evening. THE CAPITOLINE. The Capitoline. with ate immense expanse of ice surface, was literally crowded with merry skaters all day yesterday.

This pond is the largest of the outdoor resorte, and is admirably kept, with ample and comfortable saloons. We have been informed by Mr. Chas. Cleveland, that the "ball" has been up since Tues. day, and that there was skating on that day.

The magnificent saloons will be thrown open to the public this afternoon, and a band of music will attendance in the evening to enliven the scene. THE FAVORITA. The Williams Brothers are up with their more pretentious cotemporaries in the skating line, and have a most delectable surface of ice at the command of their The Favorita is not large in circumference, hence it is more easily kept in condition for skating. OUR CUSTOM STOCK of Chinchillas, Beavers, Coatings, Cassimeres, Vestings, we are constantly adding to, flatter ourselves that have the largest and best to be found in this city, which are making to order in the most fashionable and durable manner, at the lowest prices. WILDE 98 Broadway and 53 Fourth stroet.

SNOW -The recent fall id snow reminds us of the fall in the price of Snow Flake, and that it is about time to lay in our flour for winter use. This brand (we speak from experience) is of the very fret quality and is recommended by all bouse wivos. Don't tail to call on Wilson, at either 89 or 184 Grand street where it can be procured at a very low figure. Mr. Wilson bas also a pleasant assortment of groceries, and is the first in his particular business.

Energetic and persevering he has entered into fair compotition with brother dealers, and has surpassed them in all the quality of goods and lowness of prico. A UNIVERSAL REMEDY. Brown's Bronchial Troches" for Coughs, Colds.and Bronchial Affections, now stands the first in public favor and confidenco: this result has been acquired by a test of many years. Ita merits and extensive use have causod the Trochos to be counterteited, and wo would caution purchasers to be on their guard against worthlons IF YOU wieh a nice-fitting, well made, fashtonable suit clothes, for yourself or son, call on WILDE 98 Roadway and 53 Fourth street. P.

sponge all our goods before cutting, and give pieces with each suit. IF you want a good Piano, Melodeon, or Organ, go to WATERS, 481 Broadway, where you will Chickerings', Waters', Steinway's, Carbart'a other fret -claes instrumenta at bargains for caab, or on monthly installmenta, or you can rent for twelve months and the rent be deducted when purchased, REV. Da. proof pictures engraved by Ritchie, can be bad at Looking glass 43cture Frame Store, 83 Fourth atroos, HOLIDAY enjoyment person pan have de Beside 17 you wish to bare your children enjoy the holidaya kosp Shem well clothed, 00 to sud buy them 4 4004 warin suit and an overcoat. Clashing is cheaper than 204.

Fourth at rest. 93 Pocson street, Brookiya, W. D. I would recall poor attention so say large and varied assortinent of Ladies', Misses and Children's Pall and ing oi Fable, Easine and Miuk sole. On band Winter hate.

Also a One selection of Furs, coat Mantis, a sarge of Feathere, Flowers, k6, Ate a large of silk and wool bate, 343 rukon street, Brookira, HENSVaL. -TRE Wisdos 01555 Sewing Machine Compare, have removed from No. 35 4th street, to the largo sore, corner of 4th and Bouths atrocia FAIRY HEIN LOTION For chapped bande or face, alter chaice, sore sipple, us ur inflamed guise or ego hide, cold be loves sores, 1 tia la u6 artleto that every lady or ventleman woo that ba anticted ae I perically and will suder the roughed so en and velvety seat turant'a. is can 16 had of the 'ollowing well knowe NOW It. So Grand Aces.a, 66 Grand strect, 461 Grand fraud elsess corner al Terpto), and a79 Lund etrcet, star TALE BELET A BOR MANA acer Four stases, and of sud taber sonde dealera pre scrally, at 40 Mouth recond street.

1101 Poda Water and Chatea Myripe of our on a mabulacture, al BE LEY A BOEMAN'a Drug and miral Depot, Brosdway, bear Fourth street, Pbyeiciane' prescriptions a specialty. Bot's OVERCOATS, made from Chicebillas, Beavers, Fancy Casalmetca, Coatings, Melton, Ar. All shades, styles and eleca. The la yeet assort. meat and smallest prices, at WILDE BROTHER, 59 Fourta street.

No trouble to show goods. Fine Fine Amara -Piro abirta, joke backe, 11,50, Ore shirte, yoke buses, heavy, 89,00, Are abirte, joke backs, extra nun, extra lone. blue Are shirte, Target compantes supplied at short JOHN notice, at wholenate prices. Merchant mbirt Ntore, M. TRIPLES, prio tor, 304 and 300 Grand street, New York City, PERFECT AS HOOD, haaye for young hen on the evila of with certain bel, for the erring and unfortunate, Ment in analed velopen tree of charge, Address HOWARD TION, Box Philadelphia, Pa.

CATARRH AND are exclusively ed and radically enred Da. CAMPBELL, 100 Bober mertorn street, Brooklyn, (next door to Buraham't Academy of Physica' Colturel, Consultation and er: attuation rure from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.

Brooklyn Iteterences, by permianion -Itev. A. M. Wylle, 931 Cumberland street; Itov. W.

D. Harlow, at lose for the Aged and Orphans, Albany avenue, corner of Herkimer street: Prof. C. Match Smith, Teacher of Pinging and Organist In At. Peter's ('burch, 245 State street; P.

P. Walling, corner Third Que and Fifteenth street, and No. 5 Coentien New York: Cyrua F. Cook, 301 State street: Mr, I. N.

Fish, 170 Myrtle avenue, and Stevens' House, N. and numerous others, Terma moderate, Treatment prompt, effective, and without pain or dotontion from ordinary pursuita. 025 21 Ma. CARLOH F. DAY, desires to inform the.

citizens of Brooklyn that be has purchased of Welab, the entire stock and dxturen of the drug atore, at the corner of and Broadway, and will hereatter carry on the bustness at that point. Ilo respectfully solicits the patronage of the surrounding population to whom be will endeavor to give complete satisfaction. HOT SODA, in perfection, drawn from the new Patent Fountain, Call and ace the view of the Zones. Fountain Drug Store, Division avenue, corner of Fourth street. SNOW FLAKE -This emperior qualily of dour is now te be bad at A.

D. WILSON'S, 181 Grand street, corner of Sixth. No article in the mar. ket can be compared to it. SUFFERERS from Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus.

mer Complaints, Pain in the Stomach, will And immediato relief by using "Todd's Diarrhea ture," an article now in general use, and acknowl edged by all who have used it, to be superior to any preparation of the kind manutactured. Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. Ask for it Buy no otherl A BEAUTIFUL BET OF TEETH WITH CONTINUOUS GUMs AND $10, warranted. Beau titul Gold and Platina Gum Sets, very Old teeth and roots extracted without pain. under NITROUS OXIDE OF LAUGHING GAB, pure and frosh daily, and no charge when others are to be inserted.

Cement and fino Gold Fillings from 50 centa to $5. Those partica requiring the services of a skillful and respectable dentist of eighteen years practical expertence, would do well to consult Dr. HENDERSON, Operative and Mechanical Dentist, 395 Fulton street, opposite the City Hall and County Court Houso, Brooklyn. Hats not surpassed in France itself, and furs tho very best0 01 who would long want either, and can got thom both from WEST At E. WEST'8, 107 Broadway, and 152 Grand street, Brooklyn, E.

the winter stylos of hats are now ready. Nothing for lightness, comfort and eloganco con surpass the Gossamer-body hat. His stock of furs, consisting of ermines, minks, sables, has vor bee surpassod. MOTH PATORES, FRECKLES AND -Tho only Reliablo Remedy for those Brown Discolorations on the face is 46 PERRY'S MOTH AND FEROKLE LOTION." Prepared by Dr. B.

C. PERRY, the Skillful and well-known Dermatologist of 49 Bond street, New York. Sold by Druggists everywhere. This 18 no quack compound gotten up to impose upon the public, but the only remedy known to science, exclu sively adapted for the removal of brown discolorations. GOLD DowN.

-Astrachan sacques, $35, $40, $45, $50 to $150; seal sacquee, $125 to $175; sable seta, 50 to (a fow sets extra dark and Ane Russia sable, from $600 to mink sets, $20 to $100; ermine sets, $30 to $65; other furs in proportion. Fancy round bats at a great discount for 30 days, at BALCH, PRICK late Biglow hattors and furriers, established 1832, 185 Fulton street. del 10t. DR. WINGLOW'S HAPPY All the disgusting and anti-bilious medicines are superseded at once and forever.

by Dr. Winslow's Liver and Stomach Lozenge. The most squeamish child will 66 roll It a8 a sweet morsel under the tongue," and its barmless vegetable elements form a more certain specific for indigestion, costiveness, billious plaints, and all derangements of the stomach, the bowels, and the secretive organs, than can be found tn the whole range of materia medica. Sold by all druggists. CORPORATION NOTICES.

City OF TAN Hall-Proposals STREET for furnishing COMMISSIONER, Coal NO. and Wood for Publio Buildings. Sealed Proposals will be received by the Common Conneil, at the Mayor's office, until Monday. December 1669, at 3 o'clock P. for furnisking coal and wood tor Publio Buildings, from the 1st of January, 1870, to the ist of May, 1870.

Wood be the best Virgibia Pine sawed, and split, and stored in bins. Coal to weigh 2.240 pounds to the ton: agreeable to the apocifications on file 10 the office of the Street Commissioner. Blanks for estimating furnished at the office of the Street Commissioner, and none other will be ered. Proposals will not be considered unless accompanict with a consent in writing of two sureties of $2,000 each, on each proposal (who shall quahty as to their responsibility), that if the contract be awarded to the party proposing. they will become bound as his surety for faithful performance and in case he neclect or refuse to execute the contract, if so awarded, then that they will pay to the City of Brooklyn difference between the price so proposed and the price of the highest bidder, to whom the contract may be awarded.

Proposals to be endorsed, "To the Common (specifying work. -By order of the Common Council. d9 ROBERT PURKY, Street Commissioner. Brooklyn, December 9. 1969.

PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VERDER, Surrogate of the County of Kinga, Notice is hereby given, according to law, to all parsons having claims JOHN, GARNISON, late of the Oity of Brooklyn, deceased, that they required exhibit the same, with the Podchers thereof, to the ant. scriber, the Administratrix, at her residence, Bushwick avenne, near Kossnth street, in the (hity of Brooklyn, on or before the 10th day of Jane, next Dated December 8, 180. de law6m8 ANN GARRISON, Administratrix. PURSUANOK OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM VEEDER, Snrrogate of the County of is hereby given, to law, to all claims Against A DOLE late of Brooklyn, deceased, are required Bibit the with the, to the at the off of Gsorge Fisher, late South 7th City of Brooklyn, or before the (h day of Marok nest.

-Dated WILHELMINE FELDMANN Died. Eddie B. pol, on Wilson December so from friends Solicitor Counts of Father. I come to SPECIAL ORDER, NO. 51 la with seat0t that the Of.

14 to the hepartical the painful out sill that soother comrade has surrendered life to the res Death' -Comrade A Hachis Comal Font Masseld No. 99 sad mustar el sho Council of Adul died moroine a bang end A brave collier, an bowseat 10 sad en cotton citizen to taut Fettle shat the of she trad Aries of the Hopeless in County Kings to sho Tamily of how place so 1 18 a la Departmeat Cominauter direta the emit waders of the vartose in tor pily call special a shat tiro a la attend she funscal In a bode. 7 5 loneral 4 place 10th. The Post will enemble Poet No 115 All st. 1 before the ed tor the w'es is Lour.de: will ba chatted in where a loves and was tho 4 bal, a of 2 loft era omer the Depse meat Staff wit, report to the A tali Adjutant Tel the 80d place.

Comrade Nearge Week. so hereby desa.led as Com. wander of de He will appoint a total sate as be deent command of EDWARD D. LAN SING Commanding Department, V. ILET, On clal A Adit.

Ajeal de It MEETINON. 29 PORK ARMY DEPARTMENT OF Titis OP ADJUTANT VOSk Del 6, A. It. I OBT MASSIL LD, NO The comra a of the shove are to a -pecial ince vi the teendence of I W. at not look late male only con arranger for funeral of our JESSE Adj', des TI N.

Y. VOLUNTEERA, MEMBERS of the old 8Th Vol'a are hereby re to attend a meetine It Broadway this evonine, Dee at to make arrangersent: to attend the funeral of our late trael, R. A Bachie des to WARD REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATN. -The regular meetise takes place 00 Friday, to'clock Head 39 Grand street. ISAAC TREYZ A01 President ED.


8 o'clock, at FOOTER, BROADWAY AND FOURTH STREET. An Fray on "Life and ('harseter of Daniel Webster' will be read. Strangers are invited. de 2t MELTING OF THE BOARD OF' DIREC. tors the Withamburch Mammie Mutual Anociation wi I be held in their room.

(Masonic Temple) Grand, corner of Seventh reeta, on FRIDAY A EV'O. Dee. 1841, at 8 o'clock, and will be continued each Frilay evening durire the month. to receive no repta the members of the emanciation. It in hope the momwill prom Day to save the 01 0- cereity of holding meetngs besond WALLER J.

C. CABBLE. Secretary. d7 FFICE OF THE NATIONAL ARMS COMPANY. Penn street, between Kent and Wythe avenues.

BROOKLYN. N. Nor. 1931. The annual election for sir Trustees of the Company.

and for three Inspectors of the next election. will be beld at the office of the Company. on THURSDAY. be 9th day of December next, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock P.M. n25 td R.

GOODENOUGH, Secretary. WANTED. ANTED -TO leman and LET wile, TO the A RESPECTAfloor would of let a partly house, with furnished, all if the desired. modern improvement: Tim ea office. ANTED DOGS A SMALL, FULL- grown.

rouse -dos. State lowest price. Address A. Brooklyn Daily Tia 68. do SITUATION BY A REspectable Girl to do general housework.

Can cook. wash and iron. Call for two days at 29 South 156 street, first floor. back room. d9 ANTED -A SITUATION BY A REW spectable girl to do goperal housework small family.

Call at 94 Grand street. d9 wash ANTED and iron. -A that GOOD can eome GIRL well TO recommend- COOK. ed, and thoroughly understands her business. Call at 64 Ross street, between Bedford and Wythe avenues.

d8 ANTED TO -FOUR FURNISHED for housekeeping, in 1Sth or 19th Wards. Address stating terms. which muss be moderate, D. Times office. de ANTED -A FEW MORE CERTIFICATES of Deposit in the OLD FARMERS AND CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK I for which a liberal price will be paid.

Address or ADply to A. LA FETRA, 51 Fourth street, near Broad016-tf BOARDING GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, OR BOARD or A three gentlemen cAn be accommodated with Board, at 74 South 3d street, near Fourth. da ROOMS AND FIRST. class Board, minutes' walk of the ferPLEASANT rice, at 19 South 9th street. PLFASANT.

ROOMS WITH Board may be had by applying at No. 12 South 9th street. ds -A PRIVATE FAMILY HAVING BOARD well furnished rooms on second floor. wonl like two centlemen and their wives or two single gentle men to board: location good seras moderate. Plosse call at 175 South 9th street, fourth house above 7th st.

d7 BOARDEA accommodated GENTLEMAN with large AND pleasant WIFE front CAN room, with first class. board and location, of where there are few other boarders and the comforts who home may fire if be desired; terms moderate: three to five minutes' found. Also, single gentlemen, can have walk from the ferries. Apply at 29 South Ninth street. n27 LET IN A PRIVATE HOUSE BOARD very pleasant rooms.

nicely furnished or faintebed, with or witbout Board, ou reasonable n27 terms, at 96 South let street, pear Fourth. TO LET. NO LET -TO A SMALL FAMILY WITH. out children. three rooms on third floor.

with water and gas Apply on the premises. 207 Sou 4th St. 49 NO LET -WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, part of the 3-story English basem*nt brick No. house. with 1a provementa; pleasantly, situated at 11 Clymer street, Bedford quire on the prew ises.

d3 LET- NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, with all the conveniences for comfort. with stove, beautiful. location. near all week. the ferries.

Fourth including street, the gas; family $2.50 per 27 near Broadway. de floor. Water and Gas. No. 118 Division avenne.

NO LET -THREE ROOMS ON SECOND des WThss. 10 LET-A NIOBLY FURNISHED ROOM to ore or two gentlemen on South 10th street; 00E re DIE nt to the ferry. Apply to.W. 0. Sumner.

124 Bread way. dr 6t LET-SOUTH 4TH STREET. A LARGE newly room to let. toone or two gentlemen without board. Cas, bath.

nice house, private family Terms moderate; references required. di Inquire 43 Broadway, Brooklyn, E. D. rooms, all in cond order. Rent, $15 per month.

mo LET--A SMALL. HOUSE OF SEVEN Apply JOHN TEAR House Agent, 60 n25 Broad- tf way, NO LET -FOR BUSINESS location in the PURPOSES- city -The The most desirable second floor of the WiMamsburgh City Fire insurance st. Inanire on the prem jaes of E. 4. Carpenter.

is 31 Company's building, corner of Broadway and First LET -ONE LARGE AND WELLlighted Room, on second floor, on Broadway, near Fourth street, Sustable for nwyer's office, or other professional business Apply to KELSKY 00RN. tf WELL. 2 Broadwas. m96 FOR TOR SALE -ONE SECOND- SIX-0CSave Rosewood Piano-forts, mule by 1001 Raven, el cast polish, withont scratch blemish, i'selt. wall used and in good order -the tone will speak for at So.

Frice one hundred and Hits dollars Call 121 South 4th street, Williamabarzb. 49 3:0 SALE CHEAP A STORE AND Dwelline House on Whipple fronting Flashing avenge, Brookien: 18 3-store First-class framed, filled loostion in with brick; in excellent condition for Grocery or Lager of Beer RAMILTON, Lot Fourth shop on the rear. Inquire H. 200 Williamsburgh: or of DAILEY PERRY. 5 Beekmen street.

N. Y. City. SALE STEAM ENGINE AND FOR Boiler, An eight-borse Engine and Boiler, in -rate running order, will be sold a baresia. be seen in operation at 26 Broadway (late South 7th streets.


tan 4 x1 LONE AND POUND. recovery ackare Mend! lost LOVE DOLLARS REWARD 00 day the De in o. Inal 61and street and Broadway 13th atree Wooden Li let on avenue 4 Rash at OR STOLEN -ON DECEM BEL black and white Goat, tame in the fore leg Lave returning her to John Motoud. MeH efreet near rope factory wall ceive a liber I reward CONCERTS. ETC HONCERT AND LECTURE AT THE BEDFORD AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH.

The Neco34 the Berlea of most pleasant and able entertainte being riven by the Loung Peopie'l An octation of the above burch will take place on FRID EYPSISG, DECEMBER LOT IT, And will comprise RID AND SECULAR SONGS Ily the members of ST. JOHN'S CHOIR, MUSIC UPON TAR BY CELEBRATED PROFESSORS. and AN ADDRESS BY REV. J. HYATT SMITH.


J. MINGINS Supertatendent of New York City Missions. subject- TRIP TO CALIFORNIA." at the LEONARD STREET M. E. CHURCH, corner Consoles Brooklyn, E.

ON MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 6, 1869. Open at 7: commence at 71,. Ticketa 21 cont-. December tickets are rood fo: th' a lecture. CONCERT.

GRAND MISS: KATE HILL, (BLIND PIANIST, Har the bonor to annoence he: FIRST GRAND CONCERT AT WASHING TON HALL. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEM'R 9TH, 1969, On which occasien she will be assisted by the following eminent artists FR. R. J.



and Miss The Misses HELEN and LOUISA KINNER. (Popi's of Miss HILL), AUGUSTIN Piatist and Cond a tor PROGRAMME. PART I 1. Etudo-' Galop de Concert' AUGUSTIN CORIADA. 2.

'It ought not thas to be" Abt J. N. 150MA8. 3. Fantasia Mollenbauer F.

MOLE NHACEB. 4. Salut a la Donizetti Mre. Ww. J.

HoYT. 5. Valse de FANNIE GOODWIN 6. Duet Ponr be MINER. Martha Misses and LOUISE 7.

Duet- Syren and Emanuel Miss GOODWIN and J. K. THOMAS PART IT. Duett -Master and Mr. at Mr.

WM. J. HorT. -Last Kose of Summ.r, Modenhauer -Dance of the Fares. F.

MOL LENA TEE 3 Winds that waf: my Sighs to Thee." V. Wallace Miss FANNIE GOODWIN Serenade- Sweet he the Thomas J. R. THOMAS. 5 Ballad Mre.

J. HoYT. 6 Swiss Air- weta Schubert Miss KATE HILL. FIFTY CRNTS. To be had at the Poor on the Evening of the C'oncer, and at the Drug.


d8 FAIR AND FESTIVAL! The Ladies of the CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Corner Fourth and South 2d Stree's. Will hold Fair and Festival at the church. on TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. the 14th.

15tb and 16th of December. 1:69, when a select assonwent of useful and fancy articles will be exhibited for sale. REFRESHMENTS EACH EVENING Single ticket, for one admission. 25 cen's. Ticket for three days.

50 ceats. Children half price. Fair opens Tueeday evening at halt-past 1. de? 9t NOME HELP THE CHILDREN. A SUNDAY SCHOOL FAIR.

will be given by the Scholars of the GRAHAM AVENUE METHODIST CHURCH, Bet. Jackson and Wither sta. Williamsburgh, TUESDAY, WADNFADAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and On Saturday EVENINGS, DEC. 7, 8, 9. 10 and 11, 1869, For the benefit of the Charon.

Doors open at P.M. Admission 10 cents. d6 THIRD ANNUAL BALL OF THE BROOKLYN YOUNG GROCERS' GUARD, TURN HALL, Noa. 63-69 Meeerole street, THURSDAY EVE'G, December 9th, 1889. To commence at 8 o'clock.

admitting a Gentleman and Ladies, Committee of Arrangements-H. Hoins, H. Kimer, D. Knebel, G. Rodefield.



N. AT THR ARMORY, DECEMBER 15th, 1869. MUSIC BY GRAFULLA'S BAND, TICKETS admitting Gentleman and Lady. Can be proenred of the members of the Regiment, or at D. 8.

Holmes's Book Store and Belay 4 Bosman's Drag Store. 877 FIRST EDITION. Times Ogios, 11 P. M. Long Island News Between Band 9 o'clock last evening, two drunken fellows entered the fancy goods store of Mias Weaver, al Flushing After grossly suiting the lady in charge of the store, they stole some of the goods and left.

In Whitestone, on election banner tainirg the following words, was displayed at the pools: Motto- Equal Rights and 100. Cox and This was ordered to be removed by a member of the opposition, after which the folk wiuk was substituted and allowed to remain: No, 1 The schooner Lacy Colins, Capt. Collins, of Boston, which ban been ashore on Long Beach Point, Cardiner'e Bay, tor several weeks past, was banted off afternoon, and brought to Greeapers for repaira. The was got allo at a week or swo ago, but storm arising al bor cables partad, and she was driven amboro again. The iron minea at Quogue are already attract.

ing great attention, especially from men, and a of New York apocalatora have recently been on a tour of inspection along the beach, front aud as far cast as Sion. tank. The factory in process of prestion at Went Hampton in rapidly approaching complos tion, and when noibed, it in thought, will be capable of turning out 14 sous of stool duly, Large quantities of the ore has already boon New York City, and the supply is maid to be Fight hundred tons of the ore ban already been taken from one-quarter of an acre on the beach. DANGER IN ACROSTIC, Men whose minds are absorbed on classiest or philoe pursuita frequently get badly sold, for want of paving a httte attention to the ordinary affairs of life. buch ban been the misfortune of the editor and agent" of the Brooklyn to, who has been induced to publish, in histast resue, ander the guise of an Acrostic, a most disgusting p'ece of Deeply engaged in bio researches in Heathen Mythology, especially ID him study of tt.

features if that double-aret colobrity Janue, thie "editor and agent" never for one moment imagined that the mught poambly be danger even in no innocent looking a thing AM an Acrostic. And so ho ham got himself into treable. Shonld he escapo tho indictment threatened and gnant citizens of Green. point, it in to be hoped that he will ba more careful in taturo. Tar.

DEMOCRAT IN Corseu. --The Comm.tLaD of Five that were appeinted by the mooting held in the Mayor'a ofice, a low evenings ago, a the Comm. Atec apporated by the Democrattc 3oncral Committee, according to arrange. meat, met laet oven ng in the Water Commitmoners' office, for the purpose of devising plarz for the puritication of the party, and to beat the wounds it has received by 11.3 aritl saetical diflicolty in the last elections. The chair was occupied by Mr.

Lowbar, Mr. Jacob I. Lergan acting as Secretary. Several tions were made ay to the best means of uniting the primary and ante- primary members of the par'y, or in ether words, the intelligent, well r.eaming, and rospectablo Democrats, who are every day getting more disgusted with tho action of those "rough and tumble" mombors who are to be met around primary oloctions. They agreed upon do definite action and al.

journed to meet again to-morrow evening. IRON UNION, No. 96, of Brooklyn, havo elected oficere, a8 follows: President, Archibald Morrison Vice-President, John Duck Recording Secretary, Robert Grey Financial Secretary, James Grabain; Troasurer, Darial McFarland. SECOND EDITION. Times Ofice, 35 l.

M. Financial. NEW YOR4, Doc. 9. The money market is quiet and osey at 6 and 7 per cent 02 call.

There is little or currency leaving the city, but on the contrary some of the bauks report small receipte from tho West by express to-day. Prime discounts are qu'et at 10 to 12 per coot. The foreign exchange market is dull and heavy on the baeis of 103 1081 for prime, bankers' 60 daye sterling biils, and 109 0 for eight. The Gold market waa weak and lower, ing at 1231 and declining The in the market is due to the free sales by large holders veeterday afternoon and to-div. The bids for Treasury gold aggregated $2.904,000, at prices ranging from 122.81 to 12 .70.

The Government bond market 1783 strong and higher, especially in the 1591's and 10-do's Southern State securities were hesvy and cidedly lower in new Tennessees arl North Carolinas, the former declining to 411, an I tho latter to 274. The other changes wore loss important. The Paciuc Railroad mortgages were strong and in demand. Unions sold at 81 to and Centrals at 94; to 95. The stock market was lower at tho opening, but afterwards became strong and advanced in the entire list.

The chief features were Reading, Northwest, St. Paul and Pacific Mail. HORSE 07 ANOTHER Patterson, a reeident of Cooke street, having imbibed quite freely at several places on his way hom*o atopped in at the corner of Grabam avenue and Wyckoff street, late last evening to take "doch an' dhorrich" or stirrup cup, leaving his bor outside to take care of the wagon and nag, while he was attending to the "naggin" within. The boy, who is offan independent spirit, did not relish being "left out in the cold," and having waited what he thought a reaeonable time for the boss, and the bose not coming, the boy having given his arme few swings. and brought his bands forcibly into collision with his ribs to get up the caloric, drove off.

Meantime, Mr. Mike McNamara drove up in his and went in, just as Patterson came out. Patterson thinking that the wagon outside was his own, mounted, and was in the act of driving off, when MeNamara coming out and seeing what be was about, called Officer Smith and bad bim arrested, Smith took him to the 46th Precinct Station House, where he was accommodated till this morning, when McNamara, having ascertained the real nature of the case, withdrew the complaint, and Patterson was discharged. THIRD EDITION. Times Office, 31 P.

M. The Furman Street Disaster. THE CONTINUATION OF THE INQUEST. The inquest as to the death of Thos. Wallace and eon, who were killed by jumping from the fourth stery of No.

93 Furman street, during the fire on the morning of the 20th was sumed by Coroner Jones last night, at the County Court House. James Bale, of Engine No. 5, testified that when be arrived at the fire, about balf-past six, the fire was raging in both Nos. 93 and 95, and. burned a8 much in 95 as in 93.

Aseistant Fire Marshall Keady testified as to the state of the buildings when he arrived, and gave it as his opinion that the fire was cansed by spontaneous combustion of oil and sawdust, on the third floor of 93, and that it communicated with 95 through the archway. The inquest was then adjourned until. the afternnon of Monday next. The premises in the mean time, are to be examined by persoas baving practical knowlege of the effeot of fires, witb a view to cast more light on the origin of this fire. Greenpoint.

LECTURE ON PALESTINE. -Last evening the Noble street Presbyterian Church wan partly filed with an intelligent audience, to hear Hon, J. 8. Dachl loctare on the Holy Land. The subject and style wore very pleassot and enterlaining.

Rev, Dr. Wells, of Williamaburgh, faced the lecture an able prayer. The choir, led by J. W. Jarboo, sang several nelsotions of sacred musio, Mini La Wade win organist FOURTH EDITION.

Times 4 MINIATURE I DO I 1 don Bandwich Islands BAN BANCISCO, Dee. frasa Hose Intu to November 30 lave been received. Minister Pierce presented itese Admiral Ture per, Captain Franklin, of the steamer and other naval officera to the Kian on Use Til of November, Hear Admiral Turner made which be expressed file pleasure in making the personal soquaintance of hie He avid the Ainerican people took grosl interest 18 the prosperity of his kingdom, and desired to ou livate a with bia poopie, Hie regretted Steal the vessels temporarily bearing his were of class that forbade receiving hie Majesty ou board with proper bopore, The king responded, and said that ba was always gratited to welcome the naval of the United States, and was especially pleasud 10 welcome the Admiral on the pressne el, He said he received frequent assuranos. of tho water. at and good will of the mat and people of the United States Fur the w.

ltare of his kingdom, assuranoca apon which l6 bad the fullest reliance, and wore ordiaily reciprocated by himself. dey was appropr-ately observed by the American poopie in flenotale. The Chinese immigration question ouse the attention of the po-ple of the lalan la. A remarkable thunder and bail storm bad vinited Hawail. After the storm the mountains were covered with snow.

All the whaling deet bad arrived of twenty days, with she excoption of the Holoa Star, which bad gone to silo, Marine Disaster. PORTLAND, Decomber 8, The schooner Pigeon," of Robinston, from this port for Boston, loaded with brick, wan ran into off Wood Island ou Tuesday night. by the schoouer ville, and bad port cow stove in to the water's odge, and received conmdorable damage to her ty damaged. The Sea Pigeon returned to this salta and rigging. The Anna Evane wan port to day for repairs.

The seboonet Pinta, of and from Luboo, for Now York, was run into last night off Capo Eliabeth by an voknown schooner, and lost Jibboom, bowsprit, and broko her mainmast off close to the deck. The unknown schooner was nomewhat damaged, but bore off and refamed to give ber name. Clear Republican Sweep in Returnatrom forty- at counties give 5,499 majority, sod Flannigan for Lientenant Governor, majority. A Now Orleata despatch yestorday says W. H.

Clarke, Member of Congress from the Third for District of Washington, Texas through hero yesterday He claime that Davin to elected Governor. The proba Bristy in that all the candidates for Congress on the Davis tinket aro elected by good majorities; alro, both branchos of tho Legislature for the same party. SPAIN. -The' present condition of Spain is well summed up in the following sentence: The conservativo element of the Government has been weakened, and a tital settlement ot tho (contry 18 as for off as over. 17: call the special attention of those of our readers who are interested in sach matters, to the advertisem*nt of the "Sauny Side by J.

MoKee, corne3 of Grand and Fifth stroots. TEa SCRIMSHAW GUARD. -This guard passad cur office this morning on their way to Myrtle avenue for tar gat shooting. They carried with 'hom a largo r.umber of prizoa to be shot for. There were one bundrod and sixty-six in command of Captain J.

Koogan, all in tha employ of tho Scrimshaw Pavemont Company, and headed by a first class band of music, made a very croditablo appearance. THE EAST ITIVER A special meeting of the New York Tunnel which was organizod for the purpose of having a tunnol built under tho East River, was hold yostorday at the office in Pino street. The following olicers were eloctod for tho ensuing goat Ww. A. Smith, Brooklyn President; Jacob M.

Long, Vice President; Joel A. Fithian, Treasurer; J. F. Cheeseboro, Secretary: O. Davison, Logineer.

The mooting then adjourned. Amusem*nts. POST gives a grand conoort at the New England Congregational Church, on Decomber 22d, Wednesday evening. PROMENADE of the grandest store for the citizens of Brooklyn Concerted at the Armory on the 15th of ber. The Music is to be by Grafulla's Band.

Tho whole a fair 19 to be under the management of the gallant 47th Regiment, tho pride and glory of the 'Burgb. The Armory cannot fail to be crowded on the evening fixed for the Conoort. TEE -Miss Kate Reignolde, whose ing popularity is so well deserved, appears again at the Park in tho exciting play of the "Serpent On tho Hcarth," filling the leading female character of the drama. The entire star company of Mra. Conway's theatre, also appear on the occasion, so that a thoroughly offective presentation may be confidently anticipated.

ACADEMY OF MUsIc. -The great of Wwiam Tell, which is universally regarded the master piece of ite antbor, is to be performed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. This bas met with brilliant success in New York opera city, and considering the renowned who take part in ite. rendition to-night, the Academy cannot fail. to be crowded.

are.in We need not zepeat the names of those who the Our readers will find them, if they will turn to the first page of the TIMES. The Courts. OITY COURT. -Before Judge Thompson. Francis Doyle L.

Bischoff -This notion, was brought to recover $200, which plaintiff leges to have expended for attendance, cines, for his child who was run over by defandant's wagon in North the latter Second part strcet. of From the ber, a evidence year ago, it appears that the defendant, who in 18 baker, was. in the habit of leaving bread the plaintiffs house, and On the day in question, the. defendant. and in the children put this ohild in the destore of the plaintiff, some fendant's wagon which stood wagon outside; and, the with.

fendant came out, got into the the from child; the house the child fell from the drove off, and when, a short distance. wagon, the wheel of total denial of any negligence on the which passed over bim. The de fence is a part For of the Plaintiff, defendant. Dailey and Perry for defendThe Jury 18 still out. ant, Mr.

Saunderson. U. 9. DISTRICT -Before Comm Newton United States va. Simon 8y The de 4 was been before brougbt the up Court to-day for further hearing, ding segars a without paging the special fendant in this caso.

was arrested for pedtax, jess several times, The case after the examination of some unimportant witnesses, For the it U. 9. Distnot-Attorney, Paris; was again adjourned. defendant, Mr: Morris, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Besedreti, Yesterday afternoon, the Decent United Stiles trics Court opened for the the Court first will being remain, in devoted to jurs and session for last two to Admiralty William D. Murray, indiotad toe cles from the Navy Yard, pleading Witham Watts guilty, ho pleaded was not guilty on the remanded for of stealing a quantity of copper trial, from Yard, The and trial of was Chas.

remanded B. Lincoln, for stealing letters from the the 134h Post Inst. st was set dowa for THREATENINO TO 8100T A arrested, ening to shoot Geo. Webb tender in the liquor store the Brant sad Partition stolen from him on the day be edge of 11. This led to drew Webbes, conveyed to a Colt.

Times Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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